Cat’s are extremely sensitive creatures.


Cats are extremely sensitive creatures, both physically and emotionally. They have a keen sense of touch, smell, hearing, and sight, and they are also very responsive to changes in their environment. This sensitivity can be a good thing, as it allows cats to be aware of their surroundings and to respond to threats quickly. However, it can also make cats more susceptible to stress and anxiety.

Here are some of the reasons why cats are so sensitive:

  • Physical sensitivity: Cats have a lot of nerve endings in their skin, which makes them very sensitive to touch. They also have a very good sense of smell, which can make them sensitive to changes in their environment. For example, if you move a piece of furniture around in your home, your cat may be able to smell the difference and become stressed.
  • Emotional sensitivity: Cats are also very emotionally sensitive creatures. They can be easily stressed by changes in their environment, such as moving to a new home or the arrival of a new pet. They can also be sensitive to their owner's emotions, and they may become stressed if their owner is feeling anxious or stressed.

If you have a cat, it is important to be aware of their sensitivity and to take steps to help them feel comfortable and secure. Here are some tips:

  • Provide a safe and secure environment: Make sure your cat has a safe place to retreat to when they are feeling stressed. This could be a cat bed, a crate, or a high perch.
  • Avoid making sudden changes in your cat's environment: If you are going to make a change in your cat's environment, such as moving furniture or getting a new pet, give your cat plenty of time to adjust.
  • Be patient and understanding:Cats may not always show their emotions in the same way that humans do. If your cat is acting stressed, try to be patient and understanding.
  • Seek professional help if needed:If you are concerned about your cat's sensitivity, you may want to seek professional help from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist.